Historic Data Portal


Basic Functions

How do we access the Historical Usage Portal?

To access the Pennsylvania or Virginia Historical Data Portal, please visit NiSourceSuppliers.com. Next click on the Historical Data Portal button which will prompt you to sign in. Please sign in using your Aviator CS Number and password.

If you are already logged into the Historical Data Portal, you can change states by selecting the desired company from the menu dropdown.

Do we have to setup multiple IDs and passwords to access the Historical Usage Portal on the NiSourceSuppliers.com website?

No, if you are an agent on our system and have access to the Aviator system, you will have access to the Historical Data Portal. If you do not have an Aviator CS number and password, please complete and submit the Aviator Registration User ID Agreement found on NiSourceSuppliers.com website.

Can we have more than one user logged into the portal at one time?

Yes, there is no limit to the number of users permitted to access the portal.

Can I access any customer’s historical consumption?

Usage history in Pennsylvania and Virginia is only available for Commercial and Industrial customers.

How do I obtain the required data points to access the customer information?

The information must be obtained from the customer and the customer's invoice.

Administration and Login

How do I get a user name and password?

Complete the correct form and submit by email to Transportationsupport@nisource.com.

How do I change my password?

Click the "Menu" button and then, "Change Password" to change an Account Access password. Even if the password expired, it can be changed by entering the expired password and a new password in response to the prompts.

When do I need to change my password?

A password change is required every 90 days. During the fifteen (15) days prior to a scheduled expiration date, a pop-up message warns of a pending password expiration.

What do I do if I forgot my password?

A password may be reset by calling the help desk at 1-866-891-4127. Be prepared to answer the identity verification questions associated with the user account. The password may be changed only after successful identity verification. (The help desk phone number is available from any Aviator screen by clicking on Help.)

Why is my account locked and what do I do next?

If the wrong login credentials are entered three times, the user account locks. Wait 30 minutes and login again. Note that during the 30 minute lock period, the help desk cannot reset your password.

Why did the system log me out?

As a security precaution after ten (10) minutes of inactivity, an automatic logout occurs and the login screen is displayed.